Welcome to Galway Camera Club online

Galway Camera Club has been running for over 20 years and is a diverse group of individuals interested in taking and viewing photographs. With a broad range of members from Professional to Amateur, we cater to all kinds of photography, from Digital to Film. We have members with interests in Infrared, Pinhole and Lomographic photography, along with more standard fare such as Landscape and Portrait photography.
There are also beginners classes available and new members are always welcome.
We meet on a Thursday night at 8pm in the White Room in Cluain Mhuire college (GMIT), Wellpark Road, situated a short walk from the junction at the Huntsman.
View Galway Camera Club in a larger map

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Winter 2008 Newsletter

The new newsletter will be winging it's way to you shortly. Included is the programme for the year and details of club related events. The less patient among you can download a copy in PDF form.


Change of Day to Thursday

This year the camera club will be meeting on Thursdays. So all you Champions League lovers have no excuse.
