Welcome to Galway Camera Club online

Galway Camera Club has been running for over 20 years and is a diverse group of individuals interested in taking and viewing photographs. With a broad range of members from Professional to Amateur, we cater to all kinds of photography, from Digital to Film. We have members with interests in Infrared, Pinhole and Lomographic photography, along with more standard fare such as Landscape and Portrait photography.
There are also beginners classes available and new members are always welcome.
We meet on a Thursday night at 8pm in the White Room in Cluain Mhuire college (GMIT), Wellpark Road, situated a short walk from the junction at the Huntsman.
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Monday, April 28, 2008

Podge Kelly | AGM

Hi Folks,
Podge Kelly will be with us this Wednesday. He'll be showing a series of slideshows and prints, along with a demonstration of Nik Filters.
He's suggested that if people bring along images on disk/USB drive, he'd have a go at using Nik on them as part of the demo.

This is the last full meeting before the AGM, which I'm quite looking forward to.

The AGM is the following week and the night includes Prize giving and 2 competitions.

Prizes for 1st, 2nd and 3rd place as Photographer of the year will be awarded, based on points from the competitions throughout the year.

For new members there is the Nortel Trophy. 6 images are required for this panel. Ann Sweeney has more details on this panel and I suspect we'll be announcing these at this weeks meeting.

The other prize on the night is the Trophy for the annual Landscape Print competition. Each member can enter 2 images for this Trophy. Last years total number of entries was not great, and with the wealth of talent in the club, I think there should be much more. Photos can be B&W or colour. They must be mounted. There is no maximum or minimum size and the entries will be judged on the night

Finally, the AGM will give people a chance to have their say in the running of the club. If you feel you have something to say or want to join the committee, let us know. If we have a list of potential committee members, the process of nominating and seconding will go much faster. If you have gotten benefit from the club, I think it's your duty as a member to give something back.

See you on Wednesday,

Sean McCormack



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